Life in the UK test revision kit
Boost your pass rate to 98%
Over 100,000 people passed their test using our learning materials.
Full reading materials. Practice tests. Cheat sheet.
Everything you need to pass your test.
Our learning materials comes the official government sources and best-selling revision materials.
1080 practice questions that cover every paragraph of the required reading material for a more efficient and interactive learning.

We work with ESOL providers
& independent course organizers
A seemless addition to your toolkit
to help your pupils pass their life in the UK test.
Send an invitation to your pupils to join Britizen.
Your pupils will have full access to the quality revision materials, designed to make them pass.

Watch your pupils progress and complete the revision kit.
Glance at how your students are progressing. Know who is booking their test without sufficient preparation.

Identify areas of improvement for each pupil.
Every pupil learns differently. Use the individual progress metrics to provide bespoke guidance.

Send an invitation to your pupils to join Britizen.
Your pupils will have full access to the quality revision materials, designed to make them pass.
Watch your pupils progress and complete the revision kit.
Glance at how your students are progressing. Know who is booking their test without sufficient preparation.
Identify areas of improvement for each pupil.
Every pupil learns differently. Use the individual progress metrics to provide bespoke guidance.

Interactive learning
Its fun to learn
on Britizen
Experience our engaging &
interactive learning
Instant feedback
- Know if you answered correctly straight away. Learn in the moment.
- Understand the reasoning behind correct answers.
Test reviews
- Get a detailed summary of your answers and explanations at the end of the test.
Learn from mistakes
- Revisit all of your incorrectly answered questions, and practice them again.
Question voiceover
- Play an audio recording of the question and options.
Complete revision material
- Online version of Life in the United Kingdom: A guide for new residents, included.
Unlimited practice
- Unrestricted and unconstrained access to learning resources.
Guaranteed pass
- We have a 100% pass-rate based on our small testing sample.
Mobile friendly
- You can download our mobile app to study offline. Or just use our website on mobile.
Your questions, answered
Feel free to reach out to our support if your questions is not answered and we will get back to you in 48 hours.
Why Britizen?
Our philosophy is to provide you with a minimalistic, yet powerful learning experience that enables you to learn the key information you need to pass your life in the UK test. Our learning materials are tried and tested by over 100,000 people. Revise on Britizen and get one step closer to British citizenship.
Why do I need to practice for my life in the UK test?
The Government states a national passrate of around 75%. This means that you should take your preparation seriously if you wish to pass on the 1st try. Everything you need to know for your life in the UK test is available on our website: from learning materials to practice tests.
Where is your revision material from?
Our learning materials come from the UK Government sources and best-selling revision question-banks.
How up-to-date are your revision materials?
Britizen includes only the latest and up-to-date practice questions, up-to-date with 2025 facts.
How long does it take to prepare for the test using Britizen?
The preparation time is linked to completing and understanding the learning material. Most learners find that consistent study over 2-4 weeks is sufficient. In more extreme cases, people have completed the full revision kit over the span of a single weekend. It all depends on you.
How similar are the mock tests to the real test?
Our practice questions are similar to those your will find in the real test. The home office has a secret question bank for real tests to prevent the memorisation of the correct answer during revision. This means that some questions might be phrased differently, or with different incorrect options. So make sure to learn and not memorise.
How does Britizen track my progress?
Britizen analyzes your past test responses to provide you with detailed analytics around your progress. You can use this data to know which areas need further study and when you are ready for the official test.
Do you have a mobile app?
Yes. You can download our mobile app to study offline. Or if you have an internet connection, you can use our website on any device as it is designed to be mobile responsive.
Do I need an internet connection to use the app?
You can download our mobile app to study offline. Or if you have an internet connection, you can use our website on any device as it is designed to be mobile responsive.